The Treasure House of Images
by J.F.C. Fuller
© COPYRIGHT O.T.O. June 21, 1985 e.v. Sun in Cancer Moon in Leo AN 81 e.n.
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
According to Hymenaeus Alpha in his Preface to "The Holy Books of Thelema", published by Samuel Weiser in 1983 only the short prefatory note is in Class A, the remainder of the book is in Class B. It is therefore not considered to be a "Holy Book", however since it has proven its worth otherwise, and since an earnest member of the Argentum Astrum will follow the instructions in that class A note, we present it to you here.
I have used it as part of planetary, and zodiac rituals for some time, and recomend it for this purpose. Love is the law, love under will.
Fra. 137 O.T.O